Thursday, September 4, 2014

100 Favorite Songs


This here is a redux list.  I did a version of this a few years back on facebook in my pre-blog days, posting one song per day for, you guessed right, a hundred straight days.  It was fun.  Since that last go-round, almost if not every entry here hath changed either numbering wise or simply as a new addition.  Most of these bands and artists I've been listening to for years, but a small handful of "newer" "discoveries" of mine have cropped up as well.  Me and my brother have been making these dumb lists since we were in High School and I usually try and use a rule not to include any songs that I've only been hip to for a handful of months.  As has happened to us all I'm sure, a new jam will enter our daily playlist and will be the only song we'll feel like hearing for a number of weeks or however long and before you know it, the luster has diminished quite a bit.  If I updated this list monthly and included just the songs I won't stop listening to than Miley Cyrus' "Adore You" would've ended very high.  So let's give that one some more breathing room is what I'm saying shall we?

Mmm...12 year old boys rolling around on a be....wait what?!?

This pretty much means that most all of these entries are songs I've loved for years and years and come from bands I've loved for years and years.  So there's a lot of staying power represented.  Two groups take up four spots each, neither of which group should surprise anyone I know.  And a good handful of other major ones for me have three each.  Otherwise, I represented 'bout most of the artists' whom I own every album of with at least one tasty track.  Occasionally not though.  No Police, no Genesis, no King Crimson, no Fleetwood Mac, no Zappa, no Rammstein.  My heart sinks at typing this but alas, it 'tis the way of things.  I started with over two-hundred songs here for my initial jot-down so yeah, more than half were left to fend for another day.  Along with my 100 favorite albums, which I'm sure I'll also update before too long on this blog, my 100 favorite songs is the one I re-do the most often.  It's also easily the one that changes the most 'cause really, sometimes you just feel like hearing every Beatles album in a row and sometimes you can't stop listening to Cannibal Corpse.  One's mood dictates all.

It's nothing new for me to like basically whatever the dick song I like from whatever band.  What I mean is that popularity or "the hits" mean absolutely nah-sing to me.  Now occasionally yes, I very much agree with a band's most popular signature tune being their absolute best and have included a few up in here.  But more often than not, especially the more fanatical I be into an artist or band, the more obscure the tracks that tickle my fancy are.  They'll be a number of entries here that most if not all of you will go "huh?" at, either cause you've never heard of said song or you're assuming I'm high for picking something so seemingly random.  But as always, lists are for other people to read and bitch about so on that note...

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