Saturday, July 6, 2013

New Format = more reviews!

Sooooo, changing it up a bit and basically I shall no longer be using this blog solely for posting lists.  Instead, I figure that I can get far more mileage out of posting reviews for basically whatever I have been watching as of late.  It is not like I have stopped watching horror movies since the completion of my "100 Favorite Horror Films" last year and yeah, I have ranked up quite a few more to cross off my "to see" list.  Since this will go on and on until seemingly always, shit, I might as well throw my two-cents into the online pool of nerds talking about nerdy things.

I will primarily be focusing on film reviews, primarily again horror film reviews.  Yet I do occasionally like to see what Arnold and Sly are putting out, check out some "real movies" that I have been meaning to get to or re-watch again, and of course, I am not missing any major comic book movies that are hitting the screen.  So I shall break out of the horror stuff from time to time I am sure.  Of course more album lists and non-film stuff will creep its way on here before too long as well.  The long-short of it is that I am just going to post whatever I feel like on here and hopefully it is nerdy and silly enough for a few people to get a kick out of.

I do not really have a schedule to adhere to or any kind of scheme with how I will put all of this stuff on here.  Yet I do have a few ideas.  I am going to try and group my reviews into some categories as I am posting them, ala a couple of new films all at once, a couple of classics, some non-horror stuff, etc.  I do not really care for throwing out star ratings, so instead I will have some self -xplanatory, one-word ratings that should get the job done.  Optimistically I will not repeat myself too much or toss around too much hyperbole from review to review.  We shall see what happens though.  So as Heath Ledger would say, "And here...we...go..."

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