Sunday, January 12, 2014

100 Favorite Singers


In keeping with my "every list has nothing to do with each other" theme, this time it is my "100 Favorite Singers".  I actually took a crack at this one several years ago, but the results of my labors went down with a crashed hard drive and until now, I have simply been too lazy to give it another go.  Thankfully, the time since then has allowed me to "discover" several vocalist that I had not familiarized myself with before.  So all has improved with time I guess.

As is mostly if not always, the case, I was originally inspired to make this list from a rather abysmal one by a professional establishment.  This time it was good ole Rolling Stone's "100 Greatest Singers of All Time" back in 2008, which I share only thirty-four entries with I believe.  Besides just being grossly missed-ranked, (uh, B.B. King number 96 and Ray Charles number 2?), it was really just boring.  I would much rather recommend Q Magazine's "100 Greatest Singers List", from the year before, as it at least had some "alternative" people present and was not overtly dominated by musicians who hit their peak before the sixties were over, (not that I do not love a great deal of that music myself mind you).

The point is of course that everybody's lists suck but mine.  Ha.  Now I once again had to set some rules up for this one, as is the norm.  First off, I excluded extreme metal vocalists simply because my initial list had over one-hundred and twenty "normal" singers and I just decided to stick with the conventional ones.  Now that being said, I plan to quickly follow this list up with a mini one of just screamers and cookie monsters who I greatly enjoy.  It will not be a hundred of them, good Satan.  Though I reckon twenty or so will suffice.  I also excluded a number of singers who make and/or top nearly any list like this that you are likely to see out there simply on the fact that I honestly do not really listen to them.  Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Sam Cooke, Patsy Cline, etc.  I do like all of these people, but I am unfortunately ignorant to most of what they have done which is not on the radio.  So, I can hardly count myself a fan and therefor, I stuck to the vocalists whose work I am far more familiar with, let alone into.

Also just to clarify, this is a "singers" list, not an "artists" list.  Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, Kurt Cobain, Tom Waits, Ozzy Osbourne, etc.  All have done some of the best music ever, but I would not label any of them as outstanding vocalists.  Now I do dig everyone on this list obviously, but some I would not even consider some of the best artists of all time.  They all got sexy-ass vocal abilities though, which is exclusively what we are rating up in here. 

I have a link up for each entry, (in my opinion, said individual's stand-out performance), plus a few words of me kissing their ass.  Also, if any singer ever rocked a mullet, I tried to use a picture from that era, as would be presumable.  Some of these choices might be kind of surprising, some maybe kind of funny, and some very much expected for anyone who knows me.  Anyway, let the nerding commence...

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